<aside> 📎 The sentence structure you will learn in this lesson is really convenient. Not only can you use -(으)ㄹ까요 [-(eu)l-kka-yo] be used to ask someone a question such as “Do you want to do this with me?”, but it can also be used to say “I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow” or “Will it be expensive to go to Korea?” As you can see, in English, you have to use many different words and expressions to say these sentences, but thanks to -(으)ㄹ까요, you can say these things and much more in Korean very easily!


Usage 1: Asking oneself a question or showing doubt about something

Ex)“I wonder what is in this bag?”Will he be alright?”Will it be hot tomorrow?”What will she say?”

Usage 2: Raising a question and attracting the attention of others

Ex)“Why did this happen? What do you think, everyone?”What do you think life is?”

Usage 3: Suggesting doing something together

Ex)“What shall we do now?”Shall we go to the movies?”Do you want me to help you?”

Q: How do you know which of these meanings it takes?A: It is fairly clear and easy to see which meaning it takes when looking at the context.


Verb stems ending with a consonant + -을까요? [-eul-kka-yo?]

Verb stems ending with a vowel + -ㄹ까요? [-l-kka-yo?]

(Exception) Verb stems ending with ㄹ + -까요? [l + -kka-yo?]

먹다 [meok-tta] (to eat) becomes 먹을까요? [meo-geul-kka-yo?]]

보다 [bo-da] (to see) becomes 볼까요? [bol-kka-yo?]

팔다 [pal-da] (to sell) becomes 팔까요? [pal-kka-yo?]

시작하다 [si-ja-ka-da] (to start) becomes 시작할까요? [si-ja-kal-kka-yo?]

공부하다 [gong-bu-ha-da] (to study) becomes 공부할까요? [gong-bu-hal-kka-yo?]

달리다 [dal-li-da] (to run) becomes 달릴까요? [dal-lil-kka-yo?]

놀다 [nol-da] (to play) becomes 놀까요? [nol-kka-yo?]

살다 [sal-da] (to live) becomes 살까요? [sal-kka-yo?]