To tell someone to do something, add -(으)세요 [-(eu)-se-yo] to the verb stem.

ConjugationVerb stem ending in a consonant + -으세요Verb stem ending in a vowel or the consonant ㄹ + -세요

Ex)시작하다 [si-ja-ka-da] = to begin, to start시작하 + -세요 = 시작하세요 [si-ja-ka-se-yo] = Please begin.

오다 [o-da] = to come오 + -세요 = 오세요 [o-se-yo] = Please come.

쉬다 [swi-da] = to rest쉬 + -세요 = 쉬세요 [swi-se-yo] = Please get some rest.

고르다 [go-reu-da] = to choose, to pick고르 + -세요 = 고르세요 [go-reu-se-yo] = Please choose.

접다 [jeop-tta] = to fold접 + -으세요 = 접으세요 [jeo-beu-se-yo] = Please fold it.

Exception:When a verb stem ends with the consonant ㄹ, drop the ㄹ and add -세요.

팔다 [pal-da] = to sell팔 → 파 + 세요 = 파세요 [pa-se-yo] = Please sell it.

The focus of this lesson is presenting -(으)세요 as a way to tell someone to do something. The honorific suffix -시 is included in this ending, and there are a couple variations of this depending on the type of language (honorific, informal), but please remember that this ending is considered “formal” or “polite”.

Sample Sentences

내일 세 시에 오세요.[nae-il se si-e o-se-yo.]= Please come here at three o’clock tomorrow.

공부하세요![gong-bu-ha-se-yo!]= Study! Do your studies!

경은 씨, 빨리 일하세요.[gyeong-eun ssi, ppal-li il-ha-se-yo.]= Kyeong-eun, hurry up and get some work done!

경은 씨, 쉬세요.[gyeong-eun ssi, swi-se-yo.]= Kyeong-eun, please get some rest.

이거 저한테 파세요.[i-geo jeo-han-te pa-se-yo.]= Please sell this to me.

조심하세요.[jo-sim-ha-se-yo.]= Be careful!

Some fixed expressions using -세요:

When going into a store or a restaurant, an employee will most often say:1. 어서 오세요. [eo-seo-o-se-yo.]= (lit. Come quickly) Welcome.

When a person is leaving and you are staying:2. 안녕히 가세요. [an-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo.]= (lit. Go peacefully) Good-bye.