<aside> 💡 I usually put shows I disliked here! These are shows I don’t bother or want to create a review to display for.


this drama was so chaotic, a huge mess, and I had no idea what was happening every time. The comedy-dark shifts were so confusing, the editing and flow were just horrible. Just how could they mess up a drama this bad with this calibre of actors on board? The cast is gold. BUT SERIOUSLY. The over-the-top acting, running around half-naked and spouting sheer nonsense made me drop it like a hot potato. I also didn’t understand his boss’s motivation for purposefully inserting herself into their family and causing friction. Like, why? What’s the point? Also, what agency do they work for that requires them to assassinate people? How could the family not hear the fight happening outside their door? How can her cafe still be in business making less than $100/day? It doesn’t make sense! Nothing makes sense!! Rating: 1/10

The first half of the show was great. But after that, it all went down down down. I have no idea WHY they needed 2 whole episodes to explain the flashback and whatnot. The ending is the most random. Great cast but horrible writing and production. The production seemed to have been very troubled and it showed. It started nicely, introducing the characters and setting it all up, with a lot of humour and charm.

Then the Art-Murder-Case in EPs 4&5 hit and was in my opinion the highlight of the show before the writing dived. I was wowed by the art murder case. It was SO GOOD. Because the Art-Murder-Case introduced a lot more depth and emotions into the show. It was a good balance of fun and seriousness. The characters got more depth and had good interactions in a variety of constellations (between Main Trio, prosecution and Baek firm).

But then the flashback episodes happened and all that momentum was lost. Its difference was very jarring and messed up the tone. While we learned some things about Ji Hoon, it only seemed to want to inflict pain on him, because the main characters need that. And his relationship with Ju Yeong was underdeveloped. I have no idea why I should care as nothing was shown.

A very basic storyline, with fun characters and great acting, that had a lot of potential but suffered bad writing (most likely because of the production issues). :( Rating: 3/10