This is the most general way of changing an action verb into a noun. 것 originally means “a thing”, “an object”, or “stuff”, but when it is used in this way, it can also mean “a

fact” or “an act”.

Construction: - Verb stem + -는 것 [-neun geot]

By changing verbs into nouns, the form [verb stem + -는 것] can take many different meanings:

  1. “doing” something
  2. the act of “doing” something
  3. the thing which one “does”
  4. what one “does”
  5. the fact that one is “doing” or “does” something

Les exemples

보다 [bo-da] = to see 보는 것 [bo-neun geot] = seeing; the act of seeing; the thing that you see; what I watch

가다 [ga-da] = to go 가는 것 [ga-neun geot] = going; the act of going

먹다 [meok-da] = to eat 먹는 것 [meok-neun geot] = eating; the act of eating; the thing that you eat; what you eat

사다 [sa-da] = to buy 사는 것 [sa-neun geot] = buying; the act of buying; the thing that you buy; what you buy

산 것 [san geot] = what you bought 사는 것 = what you buy 살 것 [sal geot] = what you will buy

먹은 것 [meo-geun geot] = what you ate 먹는 것 = what you eat 먹을 것 [meo-geul geot] = what you will eat

<aside> 🔔 NOTE

Les Conjugations

지금 듣는 것은 노래예요.[ji-geum deut-neun geo-seun no-rae-ye-yo.]= What I am listening to now is a song.→ 지금 듣는 거는 노래예요.

오늘 만나는 것 알아요?[o-neul man-na-neun geot a-ra-yo?]= Do you know that we are meeting today?→ 오늘 만나는 거 알아요?